Saturday, May 22, 2010

How is the inner slices of an orange is called?

When you peel off an orange you have to take the pieces one by one. Some of the clues which I received (though incorrect/doesnot satisfy me)are: pod,segments, flakes or simply slices.

How is the inner slices of an orange is called?
Reply:Chef's told me its called segments.
Reply:Ive always heard of them referred to as 'orange sections'
Reply:Segments for sure.
Reply:i would say segments were the correct answer. although my kids call them the squishy skin bits..
Reply:Are they called carpels? No, I'm not taking the pith, it's just that I don't know an awful lot about oranges .....or carpels for that matter!
Reply:Not HOW, but WHAT. Answer: Segments. Quite correct. So sorry though if the answer does not satisfy!
Reply:segments or sections
Reply:I've always thought segments, too.
Reply:I say slices but most people say segments..
Reply:segments, segments, segments.
Reply:Yes it's come to me in a flash 14.42pm GMT

A Piece of orange!!!!!!!!

The skin jest,

The white pithe,

The inside flesh.

So call it what you will but what is wrong with a segment of white pithe filled with flesh and covered in jest.
Reply:Segments is the answer.
Reply:definately segments
Reply:Sorry, dude. "Segments" is correct, even if it doesn't satisfy you. =)
Reply:Juicy Meat...that is bitter sweet...
Reply:Oh Well! I was going to say ( Segments )
Reply:I always thought they were called segments. "_" ....I'm pretty sure they are called segments!
Reply:Segments/ or though in Afrikaans we call them Skafies! Which sounds so much better!!!

see below


1. citrus fruit: a round or oval citrus fruit with thick orange skin and juicy segmented flesh. As well as being eaten fresh, it is often squeezed for its juice. ( often used before a noun )
Reply:If you buy them in a can already cut up, they are called Mandarin Orange Slices, but I have always called them "sections" because to me, a slice would be something you had actually cut, and these look like they have been peeled out of the orange. Perhaps wedges would be a good word to describe them. I have heard lemon pieces being called wedges.
Reply:Segments. Same as any sphere.
Reply:Definitely segments. One piece of orange is an orange segment.

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