Monday, May 11, 2009

What are the little orange ladybug looking things?

Are they ladybugs, or some other sort of bug? I know ladybugs are bright red, but these are orange. Any tips to keep them out? Also, are they poisonous (like being eaten)? If my cats see ANYTHING moving their first thought is "it must be food!", so how diligent to I need to be?

What are the little orange ladybug looking things?
These are asian beetles, they won't harm you. Occansionaly they bite and when squished they stink. I live in MN and we get them bad in the fall, I spray my house outside with bleach/water mixture. I use a hose with one of them bottles you can attach. It helps the most. The other thing is vacuum, vacuum, vacuum. Wish there was more but not alot you can do.

here is an article of interest ~ also google Asian Beetles

Those Nasty Asian Lady Beetles!

What can I do about the hundreds of Asian lady beetles that invaded my home last fall? This is a question many Minnesotans have posed and the answer is remove them with a vacuum cleaner. Unfortunately, as they are being sucked up and crushed, they emit an unpleasant odor that may linger inside the vacuum. To prevent this odor problem place a cup-shaped gauze or nylon trap near the end of the vacuum hose, then clean out the gauze traps and dispose of the trapped beetles. Composting is a good idea.

Asian lady beetle populations are increasing in Minnesota because this species presently has no known natural enemies to control its numbers. The worst news is that they are replacing other species of lady beetles that are native to Minnesota.

Will these beetles invade my house next fall? The answer is possibly. To reduce the possibility of another invasion this fall, seal cracks and openings around windows, doors, siding and utility pipes with caulk. Install door sweeps on thresholds at the base of entry doors and repair damaged window and door screens. Installing a screen behind the attic vent will keep the bats out, too.

Hope that helps
Reply:They are lady bugs (asian beetles), they will pinch you if you pick them up but they aren't poisonious. They do stink if you get them on your hands.
Reply:i think they are poisonous but im no david atinborough
Reply:They are still ladybugs yeah!!

I think they're poisonous, have always thought it-but I'm not certain!
Reply:do they have spots? then yes, they are regular ladybugs, you can keep you pets out by keeping them inside the house....
Reply:As said above, those things also bite and hurt.
Reply:Some can look orange.

Ladybugs are not poisonous to humans. However, they can have toxic effects on some animals, but only in large numbers and rarely serious.
Reply:lady bugs that is what they are

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